Did you know that there were 98 POSITIVE Heartworm cases in Montana this year? In comparison to the 77 positive cases in 2023, and 63 in 2022, that is a drastic increase in positive cases. Heartworms are an internal parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. Once an infected mosquito bites your dog, the heartworm larvae settle into your dog’s heart and vessels of their lungs. It is important to know that your dog can be completely asymptomatic until the heartworms reach full maturity. Treatment for heartworm disease can be very challenging and expensive. Giving your pet preventatives is much more efficient. Here at Clark Fork, we recommend heartworm testing once a year. It is a simple blood test that we run here in house, and get test results in minutes.
Roundworms are the most prevalent internal parasite found in dogs. Almost all of our fur babies will become infected with roundworms at some point during their lives, starting from birth all the way into their adult and senior years. Roundworms have several different routes they can take to infect our dogs including; milk, feces and transplacental. Symptoms of a roundworm infestation include weight loss, dull hair coat, vomiting, diarrhea, and a “pot-bellied” appearance of their abdomen. It is recommended that we administer three initial doses of dewormer to our puppies, and then once monthly after that. Humans can also contract roundworms by getting in contact with infected soil or infected feces. Symptoms in humans can present in the heart, lungs, eyes, or as neurologic issues.
Fleas are the most commonly diagnosed external parasite on both dogs and cats. We typically see them through the summer months, but they can still infect your pet in the cooler months as well. To monitor your pet at home watch for itching and scratching, the most common symptom. Your pet could scratch themselves to the point of bald spots and even wounds. Check your pets for flea dirt often, as well as washing their blankets and bedding frequently, and vacuuming any carpet you may have.
Ticks are another common external parasite we find on our pets. Ticks attach themselves to your pet with their mouth, and feed themselves with your pet’s blood. In some cases, ticks can consume enough blood from your pet to cause anemia. They also carry diseases. The most prevalent diseases we see from ticks are Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Tick Paralysis, but dogs that come from other areas can already be infected with Lyme Disease. It is important to check your dog for ticks after any outdoor activity.
Contact us today to get preventative products for these parasites! Not only to protect your pets but yourself as well!